About me, and this blog

Hi! My name is Richard van der Hoff, though I’m generally known on the internet as richvdh. You can also find me at @richvdh@mastodon.me.uk on Mastodon or @richvdh:sw1v.org on Matrix.

I am a Staff Software Engineer at Element, where I work on the Matrix ecosystem. My first proper software development job was (way back in 2000) at a startup writing embedded automotive software (i.e., engine management software). In the interim, I’ve had jobs working in telecoms, content delivery networks, and even a stint working on user interfaces for Windows software.

I’m starting this blog as a place to record some thoughts and experiences I’ve collected after a few laps around the block as a software engineer. Hopefully some of it will prove useful!

The source for this blog is hosted on Github.